May 19, 2010

It's the Little Things....

(Find time for the little things)

Isn't it really the little things in life that bring true happiness? The little things that fill your heart with joy and leave it almost bursting! Aren't these the things that truly matter?

Sand between your toes...

Puppy kisses....

Snail mail.....

Long chats with friends......

A home-cooked meal......

Laughing until you're out of breath......

Smiling at strangers.....

Confiding in someone....



Walking barefoot through the grass....

Wearing fun shoes....

Sleeping under handmade quilts......

(Photos here)

Please tell me some little things that bring you happiness.....



Anonymous said...

Fun shoes and snail mail are two of my favorite!

Unknown said...

so cute! a childs laughter is priceless!

Aly @ Analyze This said...

I love this post! You put so much thought into your posts...I adore it! :)

When someone tells me I look pretty, or they like my outfit, or shoes...makes me happy :) And I would also have to agree with the comment above...a child's laughter!

I'maNolaGirl said...

When a stranger holds the elevator door for me when I'm running late.

When I see my hubby smile. I feel so happy then.

When I get a card in the mail from my parents just saying hi.

Sweet Southern Prep said...

My sweet baby girls!!!

Love these images, and I seriously can't even decide which is my favorite. Probably the one of the sweet little girl with the penguin. That one just melts my heart!

Unknown said...

Cupcakes! And finding a great deal on a pair of shoes.

You always have the best pictures!

emily said...

aw i love the pic with the little girl and the penguin!!! my little nephews presence brings the most happiness!!! =)

Anonymous said...

these r all graet things.


Kristen said...

Wonderful post! I would say reading, the warmth of the sun, and popsicles

Jamie said...

Love these! Here are some little things that make me happy...Christmas morning, having a tan, putting on makeup, screen doors, Coca-Cola, coloring, and my being with my hubby :)

Annie said...

love this happy post and all the photos! :)
the sunshine makes me happy and it's been shining all week so far....oh puppy kisses and cuddling bring smiles as well ;)

Miss Sweet Tea said...

Oh, I did this today too, over on my blog! I love thinking about things that make me happy...seems to make my week go by faster!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Love this.. I agree, such small things.

the wind blowing when its too hot.
the birds chirping in the morning
kisses on the forehead.
a sweet tex from a friend

Mrs Anne said...

great post ;)

my little things today:
*each one of Liam's little kicks
*cool weather with sunshine
*snail mail sent out
*etsy purchases arriving
*french manicured toes

Claire Kiefer said...

cute new panties, the smell of clothes out of the dryer, a perfect cup of coffee, getting hooked into a REALLY good book ;)

V said...

Julie, thanks for the follow and the entry! and boy do I love love love your style. excited to follow your blog! <3 V

Unknown said...

Lovely and inspiring! My favorite little things? My sweet husband, cooking dinner, our Siamese cats, bubble baths and a new perfume!

Brittany said...

The little girl next to the penguin is beyond cute!! You really do put a lot of thought into your posts!

Little things:
- the windows open with a breeze blowing in
- christmas music
- seeing the little girls I watch belly laugh :-)
- new and fresh, clean clothing
- I could go on and on!

Punctuation Mark said...

out of the oven hot bread... another one of those things!

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

You are gorgeous, this post is gorgeous, you make me smile and make my heart sing!! (BTW the cute pic of the two chickies on the dock with the Wayfarers is SO US honey - lets plan a get together soon) Love you hon!!

Screen Door Prep said...

Cute blog!

This post is so timely for me...just finished a book called Mitten Strings for God that is about remembering to make time for the little things, as a busy mother. Am reading the author's new book now. Recommend either, for anybody with or without kids, female or male!

Dawn said...

Just came across your blog...and love it! Thanks for this is good in little things:)
Thanks for the pics, thoughts, and sharing them all.

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

Puppy kisses and fun shoes are the best! ;)